Even small floods cause significant damage. Walls, flooring, and upholstery absorb gallons and gallons of water. The mildew odor from half-dried clothes, furniture, and carpet may be more than you can live with. Even after the surface dries, lingering moisture beneath is a fertile ground for mold. Claim Champions assists homeowners with a wide range of flood claims - from single rooms damaged by water through to homes flooded from foundation to roof.
In your time of need, it's unwise to think the insurance company represents your interests first. The complex, paperwork-intensive route to an insurance settlement is full of places where one small oversight could lead to a lower settlement. If you've gone the extra mile to secure insurance for your home or business, ensuring that you receive adequate compensation for your flood loss is the next step toward recovery.
Claim Champions Call our expert team 24 hrs/7 days a week at
1-877-59-CLAIM for a free, no obligation consultation on how we can help you.